Wednesday, January 30, 2008


My benign attitude towards Australia yesterday came mostly out of attending my first sculpture class. I didn't even get around to touching clay yet (one of the best things in the world) and I was still pretty blissed out by the end of the evening. I spent the class looking through art books, choosing Rodin's "The Cathedral" for inspiration, being forced to try to sketch first (I guess classes have teachers for a reason, but boy was I unhappy! I can't draw and to draw intertwined hands, oy!), then getting started on the armature. Armatures are cool in their own right, and I had a slightly goofy looking metal hand by the end of the evening. Bliss, I tell you.

Then I came home, starved, to confront the voluptuous display of spider fertility. Most got sucked into the vacuum cleaner, but that still leaves plenty to encounter EVERYWHERE.

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