Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Creepy Crawly update

I've decided that the really scary-gross flat black things that showed up in my bathroom are leeches. This is based on no evidence at all. But it has rained a lot recently, so I am totally paranoid every time I go to the bathroom....

Another recurring fear came true last week: I stepped on a slug in my sun room. When I was a little kid, I stepped on a slug and it squished between my toes. Ever since, I have had a real phobia of slugs. I am proud to report that I did NOT scream this time. I did NOT have a heart attack. I did get grossed out...

Strangely, if you give a slug a shell, it becomes cool in my book. There are some fabulous snails here. I saw one the other day (again, lots of rain) that was out of its shell and in its full glory. Pretty fabulous, 3 inch long translucent beast with an inch high shell.

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