Sunday, September 9, 2007

Open letter to Mr Lizard

Dear Mr Lizard (or is it Ms?),
Thank you for visiting my bathroom floor yesterday. It was nice to know the diversity of animal life living in my neighborhood. However, I do feel compelled to let you know that your beautiful brown camouflage was quite effective, and I almost didn't see you. I am quite a bit bigger than you and I would hate to squish you between my toes. It may be best if you didn't visit again.


PS: Thank you for the quite artistic bit of lizard poo you left as a present. It quite reminded me of the coil pottery we made in kindergarten. It was really a nice, lizard-size coil saucer. If my camera worked I would have taken a picture before composting it....

PPS: I hope you aren't poisonous. That would be a bummer.

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